
66 From the Oshima Island 2021 Department of Imaging Art LEE Yonguk Professor LEE Yonguk has been working as an educator and researcher at the Department of ImagingArt in the Faculty of Arts since April 2003. He is known for running the imaging Art and information research laboratory. In earlier days, his main research focus was the production of computer graphics, but since 2000, he has started to explore further possibilities of moving image expression. his artworks are now not only created with moving image but with collaborations with other genres of media. His current interest is the relationship between VR technology and moving image world, and its expressive possibilities. He spent two years from 2018 producing the VR movie artwork that recaptures the history of Izu Oshima. The movie was released at the international art festival, Art Island Tokyo, held in Izu Oshima and was warmly received. From the Oshima Island 2021 It is est imated that people started to l ive on Oshima island from 8 thousand years ago. Mihara mountain is a volcano in Oshima island, and i t has created the environment we have on the island today from the mul t iple erupt ion. People invented to agricul ture and f ishing to l ive and developed the island’s own cul ture. It has been 8 thousand years since Goj inka (Oshima mountain volcano) started to protect the island. It feels l ike a commonsense to l ive the day we are in now, but i t is hard to recognise i t in our everyday l i fe. The island helps us recognise i t. We are l iving today because of the presence of the earth. I pray for our relat ionship of the island and humans to last mi l l ions of more years to the Paci f ic Ocean whi le feel ing the wind from Mihara mountain. the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-06 Artwork