
68 Earthquake Disaster Memorandum: Not forgetting 3.11 for an instant Department of Manga MUKUDORI Nemu Born in Sendai, Miyagi. She made her debut with MiyaGistune, published in 1989 in the monthly magazine‘Comic Comp’(Kadokawa). Her major work, Haunted Junction (Media Works) was made into an animation aired on TV TOKYO. She founded a company called La?Moon, through which she organizes events and produces plays, while working as a comic writer in the genre o‘f boy comics’. She currently produces comic work through her La?Moon label, and works on comic-style guidebooks in collaboration with regional tourist boards. March 11th, 2011 It has been ten years since the huge disaster that changed my home forever. The media tel ls the history of that t ime in various ways. The head priest of Inarikio- j inja Shrine thought that “perhaps manga might make i t easier to learn about the disaster,” and asked me to create 3.11 in Tokyo . It was produced in 2016, f ive years after the disaster, and exhibi ted at the Chinkasai ceremony held in spring each year. The same shrine interviewed 50 local residents about the chaos at that t ime. I developed a plot based on their responses, wi th the idea of “being easy to understand for kids” in mind. It is wri tten in the fami l iar style of a comic, wi th a main character developed from the myths connected to the shrine. Five years passed. The days go by: wi th another earthquake, a f lood, a pandemic, we mutter the last speech from the comic in our hearts. the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-07 Artwork