
78 Department of Game HARA Hironori In 2007, with the opening of Department of Animation, Game Course, he began working at Tokyo Polytechnic University. He teaches Programming, Math, and Physics. As a child, he liked playing with electricity and motors, and kept making things that had no clear purpose. He also kept breaking them. Influenced by that experience, he teaches production of gaming controllers using sensors, and controllers that provide feedback to users. A pinbal l game usual ly ends when you run out of bal ls, but this machine automatically refi l ls itself. And, if no one plays for a whi le, the machine wi l l shoot a bal l automatical ly. You can play forever, and you can watch forever. You can play it, but if you leave it, it plays itself – that is what I wanted to make. I loved the ‘smart ball ’ game at local festivals in shrines. When I ran out of bal ls and my friends shared theirs I felt really happy. That kind of fond memory may have been one of the starting points for this production. Never-ending Pinbal l the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-12 Artwork