
80 Department of Game MUROHASHI Naoto Entered the Design Production company, participating in many fields, such as graphic design, web design, and art production that is related to magazine advertisements, posters, apparel, and real estate. After learning 3D CG and combining it with design skills, currently works as a design instructor at technical colleges and universities with an emphasis on 3D CG for games. Since 2007, has been responsible for the design field of the Department of Game in the Faculty of Arts at Tokyo Polytechnic University. Conducts game CG education (e.g., modeling, motion). Member of the Digital Games Research Association of Japan and the Society for Art and Science. Louver This work uti l izes the body as a control ler to jump between bui ldings in the center of a city. The 3D model of the city used in the work is created from data from Project PLATEAU that is open to the publ ic. This work, uti l izing contactless control lers allowing for easy and hygienic use, is the third such work he has produced for the Faculty of Arts Festival, and is also a work that explores how game devices should be under the circumstances during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. *Project PLATEAU is a project led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, encouraging the 3D modeling of cities in Japan. the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-13 Artwork