
84 Department of Interact ive Media MITA Tsubasa Ghosts, with their uncertain presence. This interactive piece explores the expression of ghosts which are present but cannot be seen. With your own eyes there is nothing shown on the screen, but through the face mask ghosts appear, and by playing the drum they multiply. The abi l ity to see the work only through the mask was real ized with an LCD projector and si lver screen that enables the reflection of polarized l ight without diffusion. Modern Ghost Completed the Media Art Course at the Graduate School of Arts at Tokyo Polytechnic University. Tokyo Polytechnic University Faculty of Arts Department of Interactive Media Assistant. 2019 Asian Digital Art Award Exhibition FUKUOKA Student Category / Interactive Art Category Excellence Award,Fukui Prefectural Children's Science Center in 2020,Hamada Children ’s Museum of Art in 2021. In addition to exhibitions, they also hold workshops using the mechanism of light. the 2021 Faculty of Arts Festival FESTA-15 Artwork